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Our film goes through three visual and narrative stages: before, during, and after the play. We start off with a surreal, poetic feeling and become gradually more grounded in reality as the film continues. 

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The cinematography will give a subtle sense of unease throughout the film, but will not be so stylized that the performances/narrative is lost.

The lighting will be inspired by candlelight—a gothic feel with high contrast and deep shadows, inspired by Robbie Ryan’s lighting design in “The Favourite.” When Marion is dragged off the stage, the lighting will turn a blood red to accentuate the crescendo of the play. This dramatic lighting is inspired by both the 1977 and 2018 versions of “Suspiria.”

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As we switch from the play to the real world, the lighting will be less colourful and saturated to ground it in reality. 

The colours used will be sickly greens and deep reds, representing to toxicity of the situation and the harm it causes.

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